A busy place

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Our home has become a pretty busy place since Ian came home – all the deliveries of supplies and the health care workers and the non-stop activity surrounding his care. Add to that the occasional visitor to work on the addition. It’s hard to keep up, but the Lord is sustaining us.

I brought home a specialized van with a ramp in it to try out with Ian. We haven’t tried it yet, and we haven’t bought it. We’re hoping to find something that will enable us to get him around. It would be our goal to get him back to church sometime; I don’t know when.

In addition to praying that Ian would talk, would you pray that the 24/7 care would soon be staffed completely? We have no one for overnight and no one for weekends.

Thank you for praying.


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  1. Praying for you all, Steve and for the Lord to help you with all your needs. He knows them all but we’ll keep praying!! God bless.

  2. Slowly, but surely, God is bringing Ian back to us. Oh, how the slowness must be so painful to you and Mary. I know that it is to me. I know how much I long to hear his voice; how much more so you guys. What a beautiful day that will be, when he speaks and we can hear that goofy voice, that we took for granted all those years. I love the memory of it now. I know I’ll hear it again.

    As David was singing to him the other night, I had such a longing to hear Ian sing again. I believe that he will. Those two wrote really good songs! But they need Ian.

    If suffering and trial and pain produce endurance and patience, then I can’t wait to see what the fruit will be in your lives. Your guys are an, absolutely, beautiful example of what it means to persevere in severe trial. I feel honored to know you and be able to watch you walk through this.


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