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“For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him….”
Philippians 3:8-9
One paradox of suffering is the willingness to give up absolutely everything that I have to be relieved of suffering and the beauty of the sweet communion with Christ that comes in deepest times of sorrow.
Fortunately, we are but dust, and the hand that has sovereignly brough us into affliction to continue our santification and to bring glory to himself is the same hand that will lead us to eternity with Him.

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  1. wonderful to finally meet you laris!
    i’m excited to speak with you later
    <3 and am praying for you. my heart is with you!
    [beautiful picture. and i think i have that shirt if it is from Old Navy :)] –
    rest in grace,

  2. praying regularly and expecting much from God..because he is so big and great.
    may his strength and grace fill you up.

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