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“…Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.” (Phil 1:18)

Because of Ian’s accident, many people have heard the good news that Jesus, the only man who was not corrupt, took the blame for the world’s corruption. Christ is proclaimed, and in that we can rejoice! Knowing Ian’s character, I’m sure that God is giving him the strength to rejoice despite the circumstances.

Today Ian was given a choice between two of his favorite musical artists: Nick Drake or Iron & Wine. We wrote the choices on poster board and asked him which he wanted to listen to. It was clear he wanted to listen to some Nick Drake.

This is great news for Ian! The better he gets communicating his choices, the more encouraged I’m sure he becomes. Thank you for praying!


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  1. Wow, this is a super specific answer to prayer! Praise God.

  2. Thank you Jesus! – for all the progress we see in Ian and for all the spiritual growth we see in those who write. God is sure blessing you and us as well.
    Keep up the good work and tell Ian there are many, many people praying for him and wishing him the best.
    Love and prayers, Rene from Latrobe

  3. It was exciting to fast and seek the Lord together. And it is so encouraging to hear about these new developments. Also, thank you, David, for the great exhortation to keep our prayers fueled with persistent faith in our gracious, loving Lord.

    The Bergers
    New Orleans

  4. He is taking some “baby steps” which to us seem like leaps. I hope that this will encourage him as well as us. Still praying

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