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….is something that God has been teaching me about a lot lately. Mercy is undeserved favor. I have more thoughts than I can put together right now (I should’ve gone to bed awhile ago but Ian’s wide awake and I’d rather be with him!) but it’s been on my heart so much lately. And mercy in so many forms. I want to understand this deeper, but it is God’s mercy that we do not all suffer horrible things on earth and we do not suffer in the ways that we deserve. And for those of us that do suffer, we still have no comprehension of what God’s wrath would feel like- only Jesus knows that.

Visiting a friend in the hospital tonight, I was reminded of another kind of mercy. God has had much mercy on Ian physically from day one. He has suffered much but he has received much by the way of healing. That he still has his life seems to me more like mercy on our family than it is on him. Ian would be perfected if he were to be in heaven right now- but instead God kept him here for us to enjoy.

Mercy is something that I want to continue to learn about, because it’s incredible.

Ian’s therapists were thrilled at what he did in speech. They didn’t have time to give details, but they said it was the best yet that he’s done.

Thank you, as always, one year and one month later, for still praying


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  1. You are so right. MERCY..oh, how sweet the sound. We who know Christ will never know the wrath of God…it is uncomprehendable. It has been a joy to pray for you all. I am adding my prayers with all the others…a bowl full of tears and joy at the base of the cross. ~Beejee~

  2. Praying everyday, for Ian and you.

  3. What we see in you all “We see the best of saints who are so satisfied in God they can suffer in the cause of love without murmuring”. The blog makes the rest of us hunger for that…”O God you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you as in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.” Ps 63:1 You are in a dry and thirsty land…but you are seeking God and he is “watering” you. I know there are still moments of deep despair…yet, you all are loving the Ian that is here. It is a beautiful thing to see!

  4. Praising God for His work in Ian and all of you, for your sacrifice of praise, for Ian’s progress yesterday with the speech therapists, and for the mercy He has shown all of us for whom His Son’s blood was shed.

  5. love you all!

    :)cousin rebekah

  6. Great post, Larissa! Thank you!
    I was thinking about it as I drifted off to sleep last night and the thing that really struck me was that while we were enemies of God, He had mercy on us. It’s one thing to show mercy to a friend, but to an enemy? I’m probably the last person who would do that! You know that saying, “I wouldn’t wish this (whatever “this” is) on my worst enemy.” I’m sin filled enough that there are things that I would wish on my worst enemy! Yet, God is SO awesome that He had mercy on us…when we were His enemies and couldn’t care less about Him.
    What a Wonderful God!

    Still Praying!

    Mary Ann K.

  7. I’ve been reading this blog and praying for Ian for several months. I just want to let you all know what an encouragement that you are to me. Your faith and perspective are such a testimony for the Lord, and for His grace and faithfulness.

    To hear you praising God in the midst of all that has happened is both convicting and humbling for me. Nothing like Ian’s accident has happened in my life and I find this really difficult to do on a daily basis.

    So thank you for constantly reminding me that God’s grace is sufficient and his mercy never ending. I am sure that I am not the only person whose life and heart has been touched by your words and actions.

    I look forward to the post that tells us all that Ian is speaking…that he is healed. I believe that it will happen.

  8. God’s Mercy has a special meaning to our family. Personally I have a very dear experience with it. In a dark hour the Chaplet of Divine Mercy touched my soul. It is also a beautiful place to visit.

    God’s mercy is life itself…for we are not deserving of it by any means, but for the mercy of God.

    pray for mercy

    God will bless

    Minori family

  9. Will you lose anything by patient waiting upon God for mercies?
    Certainly not! Yea, it will turn to a double advantage to you to coninue in a quiet submissive waiting posture upon God. For though you do not yet enjoy the good you wait for, yet all this while you are exercising your grace; and it is more excellent to act grace than to enjoy comfort. All this time the Lord is training you up in the exercise of faith and patience, and bending your wills in submission to Himself, and what do you lose by that? Yea, and whenever the desired mercy comes, it will be so much the sweeter to you, for look how much faith and prayer has been employed to produce it, how many wrestlings you have had with God for it, so many more degrees of sweetness you will find in it when it comes. O therefore faint not, however long God delays you.

    The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel

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