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Still a fever but I”m hoping he can at least get out of bed today. Ian was awake more yesterday than he had been in a couple of days so we got to at least hang out. Hopefully he’ll be able to go to therapy this afternoon.

Thank you always


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  1. Hi Larissa –

    As is often the case, I read through the past few days of posts here with moist eyes. Reading this blog, with most of the posts by you and Steve, leaves me feeling incredibly humbled and substantially blessed. You have taught and teach me so much.

    I pray for you all and for Ian.

    Wellspring Church, San Leandro, CA

  2. i hope ian is not suffering, you are….i know that. always thinking of you…..gigi

  3. I just read Monday’s post and often when I read things that you post, those things cross my mind about you guys. Though I’ve never met you, I know how much you miss talking to Ian. I pray that the Lord will restore Ian’s health and you will be able to continue your wonderful relationship like it was before. I will continue to pray.

    Moriah from CCL

  4. I am still praying for Ian and for you, Larissa.

    I know it may be too heart wrenching to talk about all the details of what is happening with him. Just know that many of us are praying and God is somehow at work in the middle of it all.

  5. …not commenting, but still praying!!!

    Mary Ann K.

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