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It seems like God teaches me a lot about himself through the sky (Romans 1:20), particularly sunsets. A lot of times when I see sunsets, I’m reminded of truth and it usually seems to be when I most need it. Today Ian and I were driving back from Ligioner. Earlier I had told him that maybe we could drive home into the sunset. All of a sudden, this beautiful sunset appeared. I can’t even describe it and do it justice, but it was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. No artist could have created something like that. Ian and I couldn’t have imagined something that beautiful.

I was reminded that we can’t imagine God’s beauty, or power, or holiness. It’s better than what we can fathom. And the same is true for our future promises- they are better than we could create on our own.

Thank you always for praying


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  1. I, too, saw that sunset last night. I live in Latrobe and went out on my front porch to check something and there was that most beautiful sunset! I thanked God for moving me to the front porch at that particular time! Also I called to a neighbor two doors away and we enjoyed it together! So nice to know that you and Ian were enjoying it at the same time. Isn’t God wonderful to share His beauty with us???? If we will just look and see…..
    Love and continued prayers, Rene

  2. How wonderful. You went to Ligoneer. I envy you.

  3. Great Is Thy Faithfulness!

  4. Ligonier is a pretty town, isn’t it? Practically “right next door” to me.
    God has painted some amazing sunsets lately, too…just for our enjoyment, I think! And soon the leaves will be changing, providing us more breathtaking views!
    “…no eye has seen and no ear has heard…”

    Still Praying!

    Mary Ann K.

  5. thanks larissa…for encouraging all of us about the future…it means SO much more coming from you. love, gigi

  6. wish i could have seen it…
    love you so much

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