Still Sick

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Ian has had a rough week. He was sick again overnight and also has something going on in his chest. Pray that God would clear his lungs and remove the cough and congestion.

I was thinking that it might be really encouraging for Ian to get notes in the mail from people who are praying for him, particularly ways that you have been encouraged by him or see Christ in him. So if you have time to drop a note, mail them to our church at:

Sovereign Grace Church
c/o Ian Murphy
1220 Wayne Ave.
Indiana, Pa. 15701

Thank you, always, for praying.


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  1. Sorry Ian is sick – praying for a quick recovery.

    What town should we send notes to? (I am assuming somewhere in PA….)

  2. still praying!

  3. Always praying! Get better Ian!
    Everyone Loves You!

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