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I will be fasting on Wednesday if anyone wants to join. I’m motivated to pray specifically for Ian’s speech. Speaking is very hard work for Ian. I want to pray that God would allow Ian to learn how to talk again as easily as possible and that he would start talking more and more.

Just a note about fasting- it doesn’t have to be an entire day without meals. You could skip two meals, just give up coffee, leave out chocolate. Whatever serves as a reminder to pray is a good rule of thumb for me on how to fast.

Thank you, always.


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  1. I’m with you sweetie, but had my coffee already. God will understand.

    He hears our prayers; our faithful God bends low to give ear to our heart’s cry for help in time of need.

  2. Thanks for the fasting clarification, Larissa. I always seem to read the request to fast on the day, rather than before, and have usually eaten something…so, it is nice to know that I can participate in a partial fashion — and I will be praying for his speech to pour forth. Blessings,

  3. I read this blog today for the first time. What an incredible blessing. Ian and family are in my prayers.

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