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Now that Ian is mouthing words a lot, our life has somewhat become a game of charades. Ian said tonight that he wanted me to ask blog readers to pray for his voice. It’s incredibly frustrating when he’s trying to tell me something and I just can’t figure it out. Please pray that God would quickly give him his voice so that he can tell us all that he is trying to say.
Thank you


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  1. I am praying that your voice will come back to you, Ian. God Bless you!

  2. Praying for both of you to have peace during the holidays.

  3. Tell him we’re praying and we won’t give up. He shouldn’t give up either.

  4. I will definitely pray for Ian’s voice. Ian and Larissa, your cheerfulness and perseverance is such an encouragement to those of us who have much lesser difficulties. 🙂

    “It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places. He teaches my hands to make war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.” Psalm 18:32-34


  5. Love the glasses!! Always praying…will continue to pray specifically for your voice, Ian. Keep working hard! I love seeing pictures with both of you smiling 🙂

  6. Will be praying fervently. So much of your personality is coming thru the photos, Ian! Never give up on any requests you have.

  7. Larissa!! How awesome that he is even “asking!!” My, how he has come such a long way and how awesome to see God’s hand in all of this! Continuing to pray that he will get his voice back and will be talking up a “blue streak!!” Praise the Lord!! Answered prayer…definitely..and many more coming his way! Blessings to you and the Murphy’s! Merry Christmas! Praying that the New Year brings you many more answered prayers!!

  8. Oh, my word! Those photos are so sweet, and I love all the ways Ian is interacting with you. The facial expressions that are Ian!! Praise the Lord! I am praying for a voice-a loud, boisterous voice!

  9. Larissa,

    It gives me great joy to intercede in prayer with you for this request. I hope it brings much encouragement to you as you reflect over the past year to see how this request compares to where you were a year ago!

    The entire family are in my prayers, I hope that you all are able to experience a joy-filled advent season, full of tangible and triumphant answers to prayer.

    Kimberly Wagner

  10. This has been what I have been praying for a long time! That you, Ian, would be able to communicate WITH WORDS to your family. I BELIEVE that God is answering all of our prayers. Keep trying – we are waiting to hear your words. May you and all your family have a wonder FULL
    Christmas. Rene

  11. yes, Ian I will be praying for you voice and for words to come more easily to you

  12. these pictures are awesome! cannot wait to see you guys soon! laris-call me and let’s set something up! ian-are those your glasses? they’re a little feminine. 😉

    -matt and amber

  13. Praying so much for this-Kim’s

  14. Larissa~

    I've never commented, but just lurked & prayed like the total stranger I am for a long time. 🙂 However, this is exciting enough news to bring me out of the woodwork! Definitely praying with you on this request for free speech on Ian's part.


  15. Everytime I check out this blog, Ian looks more and more like his old self. . . I looked at the latest pics and prayed specifically that the LORD will restore his speech. HE is healing him, no doubt in my mind. (My daughter had some classes with Ian at IUP.)

  16. Bill and Judi Paradis

    Oh yes, yes, yes Father…that he might praise Your mighty Name!

  17. Let him know that we are praying and will continue to pray! We are thanking God for all of the answered prayers already.

  18. Dear Larissa and Ian-

    My husband has expressive aphasia as a result of his brain injury. His speech is (very) slowly, yet steadily, improving. But, we spend a lot of time pantomiming and ‘talking’ with our hand gestures! Still, it is real communication and despite the frustrations it feels triumphant. I am happy for you both that Ian continues to make progress. I believe that words are coming-just keep at it. You are in my thoughts and I wish you the best this holiday season!

    Lisa Briseno

  19. WOW!
    Love the pictures and Ian, you can be absolutely sure that many prayers are being said for your voice! Make is so quickly, Lord, to Your glory!

    Still Praying!

    Mary Ann K.

  20. Praying for Ian’s voice!

    In Christ our Joy,
    Tara B.

  21. its great that ian finally can comunicate with all you
    i hope soon your life would be normal again
    even when i think it would be better
    your faith stronger than yesterday
    cheers and love, hugs and a happy holydays
    from dominican republic
    gissel liburd

  22. Keeping you in thought– It is really something how Ian comes to mind– sometimes I am driving down the road and I see his bumper sticker–Prayers are at work.. Phylly
    GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. He looks so alert! I am praying that his voice would burst forth!

    Leah (from the Sovereign Grace church in Reading, PA)

  24. One more person praying over here…!

  25. How wonderful! Ian has come such a long way! The support Larissa and Ian’s family has shown him is so overwhelming! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if his voice came on Christmas Day! We will pray for Ian to get his voice back and be happy with whenever the Lord decides he is ready! In the meantime-have lots of fun with the Charades!

    Wendy, NC

  26. What a joy to have Ian expressing his desire for his voice – knowing that God answers prayer and that there are people praying for him! That is remarkable. We are rejoicing in God for these great strides lately and are asking God for Ian;s desire!! Merry Christmas!!
    The Calanos

  27. What a joy to pray specifically for Ian’s voice to return! It is amazing that he knows that people are praying and that God answers prayer! Wow! We will be asking God for Ian desire!! Merry Christmas to you all!! May you know much joy this Christmas.
    The Calano family

  28. couragetotremble

    Will continue to pray.

  29. Thank you for the encouraging pics!!! Please let Ian know that we are praying and will not give up!!! Sorry for the late entry… Praising Him for His faithfulness as all things are possible with Him!

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