Specific Prayer

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Ian is still trying so hard to talk to us. Specific prayer that he wanted me to share- he needs to get the timing down of his breathing and getting his voice out. He has all the elements that he needs to be able to talk- he just needs the wisdom and knowledge to put it all togther. Please pray that he would gain the coordination of his breathing to make his voice work.

Thank you, as always.


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  1. Add me to the list of those praying!! Rene

  2. One more thing I take for granted, Laurissa. I will be praying for you all this week,

  3. of course!


  4. couragetotremble

    Yes we take what we have for granted. Will be praying.

  5. Recently it seems like every time I read the blog, the current increment of Ian’s progress is amazing to me. Doesn’t it seem like these small steps of recovery are getting closer and closer together? Go Ian! Keep working hard, and we will be praying for you always.
    sara b.

  6. Ian,

    God is right there with you helping you in this all-out battle to speak. We are praying, too.

    When you succeed we will all rejoice with you !

  7. praying praying praying!

  8. I’m still praying for Ian as well!
    Thanks for providing specific prayer requests. Please keep the updates coming.
    Wendy in Maryland

  9. Sending up prayers!

  10. Our daughter 22 y.o. Laurie Dawn has been in a coma since May 5th, ’07.
    And home since July ’07 🙂
    We live in Washington state.
    God has been faithful to be our Help.

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