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Arise, my soul, arise; shake off thy guilty fears;

The bleeding sacrifice in my behalf appears:
Before the throne my surety stands,

Before the throne my surety stands,

My name is written on His hands.

Steve is enjoying blessings greater than we can imagine, all because of what Christ did for us on the cross. Even just a few days of seasonal colds has been a good reminder to us of how fleeting and weak our bodies are. It was not long ago that we watched Steve pass from this life into the next, and in a few short weeks went from an incredibly active father and husband to being raised into heaven with Christ. And it won’t be long until we are there with him. And it won’t matter what we bought for christmas this year, or how much money we made at work or what smartphone we had. How my heart is so easily taken up with such insignificant things. It wasn’t long ago that we were in an ICU with Ian, and then with Steve, and eternity was much more clearly hanging in the balance. I want to live knowing that I will soon die, and I want that knowledge to be so wonderfully sweet that I yearn for it even more.

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  1. Makes me think of my favorite scripture: "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Phil. 1:21 Steve is the one who has gained so much more! God bless you all! You are such an inspiration and example of TOTAL dependence on HIM, Larissa (and Ian). May the Lord always bless you and keep you….knowing He will!

  2. amen. thanks for this good word.

  3. Oh how much I miss Steve and how much I love this picture of Steve and his beautiful family. I love you Steve and long very much to see you in the day after, both of us with God.

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