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  1. I loved this post…as always, thank you for sharing your story – it inspires and encourages, and always draws us closer to God 🙂

  2. misselizabennet

    Larissa – I have been (silently) following your story for years and when I saw your story in this week's WORLD Magazine, I felt like I was seeing dear friends. Thank you for doing the story and sharing with so many new people! You are often on my heart and I am thankful to God for you and Ian and your entire support network.

  3. Maria @ {Blooming} Me

    Hello Larissa, I found your blog today thanks to your guest posts and I tell you, this has been one of my blessings today. The love you and Steve share and everything you have been through inspiring, and such a good example about loving above everything else. I am so looking forward to reading more, and praying for your family.

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