proposal, anyone?

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tonight is the night for drafting our book proposal. with a cold drink and a perfect summer night breeze on the patio, i’m getting ready to dig into this scary and hopeful journey. we are submitting to a few publishers who have shown interest in our story and praying, praying, praying for wisdom with each new step.  we feel that God may be bringing us into a significant season of change and growth in our lives, and this feels like the first move toward that. please pray for us, that we may be vessels.

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  1. I will pray with you! What a blessing to have a platform such as this one. Praying for wisdom and discernment. Thank you both, again, for already sharing your story. Such a powerful testimony. My fiance and I are reading Piper's TMM as a part of our pre-marital counseling thanks to the prompting of your video.

  2. Praying for wisdom and discernment for you two 🙂 Thank you for sharing so much of your story already.


    I know how scary and daunting of a task a book proposal can be. Mine is being edited right now. Prayers for sure are lifted up.

  4. Your story has encouraged me so much. Even in the little things. I can be such a perfectionist in everything (I'm dealing with it, it's not healthy). I demand so much from others and from myself which sometimes stood in the way for me how I look at my fiance. Your story encouraged me to stand firm in the fact that love is not selfish. It's not about me, it's about lifting Jesus in our relationship and we do that in being humble towards him and eachother. I know it's nothing compared to your situation, but it just showes that your story has an impact on different kind of people with different kind of situations. I pray that God will continue to use your story. And if His purpose is to have it written down in a book I pray He will make a way and show you what to do. Thank you so much for being an inspiration!

  5. A-men…vessels fit for The Master's use(())

  6. That is so exciting! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

  7. Darlene Schacht

    Woohoo!! So excited to hear that you're writing a book! If you need any help at all with the proposal let me know. I've done a few of them.

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