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  1. Yeah! Praying that God will continue to strengthen Ian's every step.

    Love in Christ.


    From 5 yr old Eden –
    Feel good.

  2. Yearning for Home…

    So excited to see his progress! Praying for ya'll.

  3. You can do this, Ian!!! Keep working hard and don't give up!!! You and your wife are an encouragement to me and have been such an example to me in my life!!!

  4. What determination!!!
    Keep at it, Ian!
    NEVER, EVER give up!
    There is a great crowd of witnesses cheering you on, in heaven and on earth.
    You are bringing much glory to the Father.

    Still Praying.

    Mary Ann K.

  5. 2.5 years to speak, 7 to walk….
    Oh! What LOVE can do!
    God is Faithful and HE IS working!!!
    God is glorified through you, Ian & Larissa….
    I'm reminded of the years Abraham waited for God's promise to be fulfilled.
    God is bringing to fruition what He promised…
    in His perfect timing.
    Love and prayers to you, your family, and your church family!

  6. Hope against Hope.
    Bought the t-shirt.
    YOU are living it in front of us!
    we love you.
    M, L, and girls

  7. Wow, This is Wonderful!!! So exciting Ian. I'm so happy for you two!! Praise God for accomplishing this feat!!!!

  8. Go, Ian, go!

  9. That's great! I'll be praying. 🙂

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