All Fear is Gone
grandpa raised a good man in ian’s dad. his minnesota upbringing taught him to work hard and to be faithful to God, his local church, his wife and his family.
grandpa and steve taught ian how to be a man that knows the necessity of grace.
grandpa and steve knew that because of Jesus there was no fear in death.
on the six year anniversary of when steve died, his dad went too. the same day. the same season of red and orange leaves, cold air moving in, and darkness in early evening.
“ian, this anniversary makes me so sad and now your garndpa is gone too.”
“Jesus didn’t focus on anniversaries. there won’t be anniversaries in heaven to be sad about.”
steve taught ian to long for heaven, and his death buried that longing more deeply in us than any of his words could have.
grandpa and steve loved Jesus, a love that erased the fear of death, a love and confidence that is rooted deeply in ian. confidence that Jesus is real, His death defeated sin, and there is nothing left to fear.
/ mert and steve murphy /
10.8.15 / 10.8.09
October 21, 2015 at 3:35 pm
Amen! It also took the death of a very dear family member to cement in me a longing for heaven.