what you leave with

| Comments: 9

my wifey Larissa asked me what someone needs to know about Christ who comes to our site and what I want them to leave with.

i want them to know Christ, and His love for them. i would be doing a disservice if i didn’t share that. His love means He has eternity waiting for us, if we pray to Him and believe that Jesus died on the cross.

knowing this makes a daily impact on me and my brain injury. Christ died and experienced the greatest pain. my pain pales in comparison to the pain He experienced on the cross. He knows my pain. And the greatest pain, and the pain of rejection from the people that He loved, was felt by Him. i know that my pain is already taken up in the cross  and someday i’ll be with Him. and see Steve Murphy again, my dad.

Jesus paid it all. my sin is forgotten. thank you, Jesus.


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  Comments: 9

  1. Margaret Mayfield

    Thank you! I just received your book after ordering it through Barnes &Noble and am really , really looking forward to reading it. I watched your video and really think you are both an amazing witness for Christ.

  2. becky miller jacobsen


    Thank you. You and Larissa’s love show me the loving Jesus of my heart.

  3. Thank you Ian, for sharing your heart. Thank you for sharing the love of Jesus with Larissa and being an instrument that God used to draw her closer to the Lord. I’ve known Larissa since she was born…..she and her entire family have always been close to my heart. I’ve followed your blog, your video, your tv and radio appearances, and just read your book. What an inspiration! What a story…..what a picture of Christ’s love the two of you consistantly show to the world. I hope to meet you one day Ian and I am so grateful for the healing that is continuing to take place in you. Larissa, I have never stopped praying for you. You are a beautiful writer. I love your honesty and your humor and your courage. Hug each other for me and know that your lives are a blessing to many….may many be a blessing to you as well.

  4. Ian,
    Thanks for the reminder that our sins are forgotten when we trust Jesus to be our Savior. I was encouraged reading this today. I pray right now for the Lord to continue healing you daily.

  5. Thank you for posting, Ian.
    Your words are very wise and true.
    Please post again SOON!

    Still Praying.

    Mary Ann K.

  6. Just saw you on Huntley Street. What an awesome testimony. You are wise beyond your years because of your faith in our unchanging God. Looking forward to buying your book.

  7. Thank you Ian. Beautiful truthful words.

  8. Your lives are such a testimony, I read about your story and then heard your testimony on Huntley St. We don’t often understand why God allows things like your accident, but He has a higher purpose and we just have to go with the assurance that all will be well in the end – ETERNITY!!! May He give you joy and peace as you walk His pathway. God bless you.

  9. Thank you so much for this post and your beautiful testimony of what God has done in your life. I am a graduate student studying occupational therapy and reading about Ian’s journey has given me a glimpse into the joys and struggles you have faced and examples of what people with brain injuries go through from a biblical perspective (though of course each person’s experience is different). Anyway your story is refreshing because I come away knowing Christ better. Thank you for letting God use you in this way.

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