yes, Virginia, God does exist

| Comments: 17

it wasn’t there permanently, the words in my head and heart that would tell me over and over that God loved and valued us. eight years of brains that don’t work right and of wants called to wait hadn’t taught me yet to always believe. 

and so that week, the lies and doubts and disbelief were loud, too loud, bouncing in my thoughts enough to bring me to tears in bed before my husband. tears because i didn’t believe He valued us, because sometimes watching the good that we want for our lives happen to others digs deeply into the places of our hearts that were mangled on September 30. 

he gently encouraged me, that He had a perfect plan, that there was not room to doubt a God as big as ours.

and through that week of tears, a gift appeared.

a gift appeared that in itself, is just a small plot covered in brick but when God is involved, became the world to us. because it told me this:

“yes, Larissa, God does exist.”

in that week, God led a friend who had a house to sell to one of our friends. because their sister had died too young.

“John, that’s Ian and Larissa’s house!” 

His wife knew, and so they called, and two days before his surgery, we were looking into the future that meant a place to call our own.

a place that had all that we had been praying for.

a place built for ian.

a place built for our income.

a place built for me.

those three big prayers, that were hard to see how they would be answered, were. those big prayers that started when we met our realtor a year ago, were fulfilled.

and the ball set into motion was faster than most had ever seen, a three week closing process and no stress.

and the family, the family that lost their beautiful daughter, was praying for God to drop someone out of the air. someone who needed the ramp. the lowered counter tops. the chair lift.

someone who needed what they had built for their daughter who spent her life in a wheelchair too.

and when we came, a little bit of their hearts healed.

a little bit of redemption.

and we talk on the phone, long talks, Evelyn and I. And we have a tea date, as soon as those walls and floors are finished.

yes, Larissa, God does exist. and God loves you.

now we work to make a home, where we will grow to love God more. where friends and family and those soon to be will sit and eat and talk. and we’ll watch as God uses our home to bring comfort, rest, and renewed understanding of each of our great purposes.

we work to make a home where marriage is valued, brain injuries are understood and laughter is required.

all because He gave us this one incredible gift. 

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  Comments: 17

  1. Yes, People, God Exists. And He is on the Throne.
    Tears of thankfulness here.

  2. Elizabeth Mulhern

    Beautiful words.

  3. Praise you, Lord!

    Thank you so much, Larissa, for sharing!

    Still praying.

    Mary Ann K.

  4. God is so good and worthy of praise.
    Larissa, you are so loved of God. He delights Himself in you.
    God has so many blessings that He pours out. And we give Him glory.
    My heart cries with you both in the struggles and I praise our Father for His good gifts.
    Love and Prayer, Faye

  5. Benita Castellano

    "Now, O Lord GOD, You are God, and Your words are truth, and You have promised this good thing to Your servant. Now therefore, may it please You to bless the house of Your servant, that it may continue forever before You. For You, O Lord GOD, have spoken; and with Your blessing may the house of Your servant be blessed forever." 2 Samuel 7:28-29

    I pray that God continues to bless you both. That He reveals His love each day to you in each other and in His wonderous creation. That the light you bring to the world through your story of obedience to Him will serve as a beacon of hope, casting out the darkness of doubt in a world too familiar with skepticism. Yes Larissa, God does exist, and you and Ian are blessed with His grace and you in return bless us with your faith.

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  6. Praise be to God!
    What a blessing. Thanks for the update. I read this with much joy that God has provided this for you all.
    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (and some kind physical blessings as well.)

    • Timothy

  7. hallelujah! He is good, despite our faithlessness and worries. how good is that! so thankful for his provisions for the both of you, and how He has held onto you in the midst of such hard times.

  8. God is good. Praise the Lord. I have written you a message here and on your facebook page and hope you recieved it.

    God bless

  9. Becky Miller Jacobsen

    Yes, Larissa and Ian,
    God does exist, even when we can’t feel or see Him. So delighted for you two and all the people through God you will touch in your new HOME. Go Team Ian.

  10. Congratulations to you both!And yes, God does so love you, us,everyone.I am so glad you have this place to call your own and a place that is "already made" for Ian.God bless you.

  11. I’m smiling through the tears of joy after reading this awesome news of yours Larissa. As I was sitting here rejoicing in the blessing that God has bestowed on you and Ian in answering your prayers for a home, this song came to mind. For some inexplicable reason, I could just see you in my mind’s eye belting out this song with the same gusto that Natalie sings it. 🙂

    I rejoice when you rejoice and weep when you weep. Be blessed!!! Much love to you and Ian.

  12. ‘we work to make a home where marriage is valued, brain injuries are understood and laughter is required’ I am going to paste this on my wall in our house as we struggle with the same….

  13. I’m always amazed at how God shows Himself in so many ways and is way bigger than we can even wrap our minds around. Brain injuries and the roller coaster of emotions is most difficult. I know, as my son is a TBI survivor. The enemy is so clever and can take our hope and turn it into despair; overshadow our faith with fear. He has no place in your thoughts, as you well know. Ian and you are such an inspiration and your love of our Lord has, can, and will continue to move mountains. Many blessings to you in your new home. Prayers continue…

  14. Christy from Texas

    What a wonderful blessing! Your breakthrough give us hope for the similar needs we have been trusting the Lord for. Congrats on your new house! 🙂

  15. I have tears of gratitude. At how perfectly God works things out.

  16. I love reading your blog and can’t wait to read your book! You always show me how God is at work everywhere, in everything, at all times (even in adversity.) The steadfastness and faithfulness you display to each other is a blessing to me (who you don’t even know.) I’m praying for the two of you, may God glorify himself through you, may you continue to see Him and show Him. May He bless you beyond your deepest desires.

    Thank you for sharing yourselves and Him! <#

  17. Probably not receive your answer, but I would be satisfied with just that my words reach you.
    Your history is terribly painful yet is extremely admirable, not everyone can enjoy a love so pure, so wonderful and so holy … Your story is worthy of appearing in the books, a subject pending in the universe, the course of humanity, love, respect and loyalty, ultimately in the course of life.
    It’s striking good as you Larissa has been able to deal with this obstacle that life has placed you, your maturity is impressive, but especially your love and loyalty by Ian, you’re fantastic for me.
    You too, Ian’re amazing, since every day and struggles you face a very tough disease with a motivation in your soul, the love you feel for your wife.
    Together they have managed to forge a marriage, a perfect union of your lives like two puzzle pieces together you give a lesson in how to be a marriage.
    I’m thousands of miles away and you have made me feel incredible things, I smiled at, I cried and I loved to see you, I wish my partner and I get as pure marriage, for even unobstructed coexistence is difficult and you make it look like a road roses.
    I guess the road has not been easy and that is why I command all my strength, my support and my love for crossing borders and serve you drop even for just a smile knowing that what you succeed in the hearts of people is magical.
    A huge, all out! Hug, I hope Ian recovers more and may be able to finish your lives a son or daughter, the fruit of your love.
    From Spain, Iria.

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