do nothing days

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my aunt told me how important they were to her, the days when my uncle was still alive and they chose rest over work.

“you need to do that. we didn’t even do laundry. no cleaning. no cooking. we just did nothing together.”

it was a practice that needed to happen so his body could heal and their marriage could have rest.

it is a practice that we need to do, because sometimes life moves too quickly for a brain injury and a wifey is doing too many things that distract.

sometimes the do nothing days mean reading, listening to audio books, watching movies, and napping. sometimes, like yesterday, they mean sleeping late into the afternoon, letting tired bones rest.

and the guilt of doing nothing can’t be there because the bones are tired from the work. the work that makes the nothing so much sweeter.

his walking that is so hard and takes so much.

her walking to the work that takes focus and energy.

the waking and reminding ourselves that God is not done that takes courage.

it all adds up to work, making the beautiful practice of do nothing that much sweeter.

and really, he loves nothing more than just being with his wifey, doing nothing.

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