a new week

| Comments: 3

mondays can be hard, leaving ian to go back into the corporate world and not being in our cozy little home that makes me happy. but this is a new week that amazing things can happen.

im praying this week that ian is given the strength and patience he needs to do well at therapy. I’m praying that I love him better this week than the last, and that he can feel that love.

this week will end with five little ones coming to the bungalow for an early thanksgiving with their mommies and daddies and gammy and grandpa doo. they will fill up the house as full as our hearts that may just burst open because a house filled means there is so much love.

this week will start, and end, exactly as God has planned.

– L

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  Comments: 3

  1. Just saw your story on James and Bettys what a beautiful love story… You are a demonstation of God ‘s love Larrisa thanks for sharing your story❤️

  2. I had just seen you both on Life Today. What a testimony you both are to others, including myself. I will be married 23 yrs. in June and I cried and prayed that my love for my husband would always be as pure and strong as yours. I am praying for Ian to have healing with whatever degree God’s will is. Thank you for making your life public. This is the first time I have ever done this. Love and Prayers

  3. I just read your blog and I can truly say that you are a genuine, blessed and virtuous woman. Time would not permit me to describe the beauty in you. Praise God.
    Immediately I went to 1 Corinthians 13 vs 4-8. Which speaks about LOVE. May to Lord continue to richly bless you and your husband abundantly.
    I also make reference to Proverbs 31 vs 10-31.
    Praise God. You display all the qualities of proverbs 31.
    Please continue to trust in God. He’s the master of your journey. Your protector, shield and Butler. Continue to send your praises up and receive your blessings.

    Be bless and have a good night.

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