He walked

| Comments: 8

Ian walked on his own for the first time on Tuesday. He’d taken a few steps at therapy a few years ago before his surgery,  but this is different. I could step away and record him walking. That’s huge. Much more in my heart to be shared once our minds comprehend.

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  Comments: 8

  1. I watched the video, Larissa. And I searched FB for old videos of Ian walking. Watching past and present, you can really see progress! Thank you so much for sharing! I thank God for Ian’s progress and how He is working in your lives and in ALL the lives that you two touch!

    Still Praying!

    Mary Ann

  2. I just learned about you two a few days ago and I think you have such a beautiful story. The story of my husband and I is similar…not exactly the same but we have some things in common. I will send you a message to say hello. Congratulations to Ian on walking unassisted! That is amazing and I am so happy for both you!! Praise God!

  3. Praise God, from whom all blessing flow. Praise be… Isn’t He good. Isn’t He kind. Hasn’t He blessed us time after time.

  4. Wow!!!!!!!!! So happy for him and you.

  5. Great news! Thanks for sharing ur beautiful and inspirational story. Praying for you 🙂 Love from Buenos Aires, Argentina

  6. Woo-hoo!! 🙂 Praise the Lord!! This put a smile on my face!! 🙂

  7. I just finished your book a few minutes ago. It is very inspiring, and truly will help many to see the potential for love in their marriages, and with others who are family and friends. Thank you so much for being truly transparent and real, and not sugar-coating things, because it makes the story so much more believable, and easier for others to relate to. Knowing that it is God’s power that has enabled you two and your families to endure the pain and difficulties involved in your journey will help your readers to face their own hardships with the same courage, based on God’s provision. Thanks so much for all your efforts to share the good and bad moments, and the victories! It gives me hope in areas I have struggled, and will for others, I’m sure.

  8. Meant to congratulate you on Ian walking! Very excited for you!

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